The Return of Space: Star Citizen & X-Rebirth

I loved space-based games when I was a teenager.  Titles such as Wing Commander, Privateer and Tie Fighter dominated my down time and proved to be among the most enjoyable gaming moments of my life.  In recent years, the X-series space sim games , which captured the ‘Elite‘ gestalt, have been my only connection to … Continue reading

Teenage girl shot in head by Taliban in response to campaign for women’s right to education

In Pakistan, a 14 year-old girl, Malala Yousafzai, was shot in the head by Taliban militants in response to her promotion of secularism, the BBC reports. The girl, who with her father have promoted the education of girls and women in Afghanistan, wrote a diary for the BBC in 2009 when she was 11. Videos … Continue reading

SpaceX Oct 7 detailed mission schedule (with images)

On the 7th of October, 2012, SpaceX will fulfill its first contractual commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station on behalf of NASA. Details of SpaceX CRS-1 Mission USA: Time of Launch 8:34pm EDT, Oct 7 AUS: Time of Launch 10:34am EST, Oct 8 **Mission details measured in time relative to launch time. ——————————————————————— … Continue reading

Mars bricks made from bugs

In what is a completely novel twist on overcoming the habitation problems of humans going to Mars, NASA has begun designing microbes to assist in the development of bricks, fuel and plastics, Andy Coghlan from New Scientist reports. With weight a premium in space travel, carrying large quantities of building materials is expensive, and energetically … Continue reading