The Future of Cybernetics? Dissolvable bioelectronics

A sample device dissolving into water (image source: Beckman Institute, University of Illinois and Tufts University via reports that the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois and Tufts University have developed bioelectronic devices that are completely compatible with the human body and will dissolve harmlessly into it after operating for a specific time period.

The technology is called “transient electronics” and is based upon a new class of silk-silicon technology which uses silk proteins and conventional silicon-magnesium integrated circuits.  The devices can operate over a period of minutes to years before dissolving.

Read more @

Radio controlled bugs the future of bugging (or rescue)

Nic Harverson at Gizmodo Australia reports that a team of scientists at North Carolina University have successfully developed a system to remotely control cockroaches (of the larger variety at this point it appears).  This is achieved by attaching electrodes to the hapless bug’s cerci and antennae which are then connected to a microcontroller and wireless receiver/transmitter kit mounted on the little fellas back.

It reminds me of the scene in the Fifth Element where one of Zorg’s fixers pilots a remote controlled cockroach to spy on President Linberg, which the president then squashes with his shoe.

Read more @ Gizmodo Australia

Read more @ Discovery news

Skydiving from the edge of space

Back in the August of 1960, a 52 year old Colonel Joe Kittinger skydived from 31.3km above the Earth’s surface, free falling for some 4 and 1/2 minutes, a world record that still stands today.

Now 52 years later, a new challenger has finally arrived: Felix Baumgartner.  On the 8th of October, 2012, he intends to ride his helium filled Red Bull balloon up to the edge of space and jump from a height of 36.6km above New Mexico.  Felix warmed up with a practice jump of 29.6km earlier this year.  The footage from this should be utterly amazing in HD.

Joe Kittinger in 1960 (image source: Youtube)

Felix Baumgartner in 2012 (image source: Youtube)

Read more @ Redorbit  (A lot of stories)

Read more @ Cnet

Watch Joe Kittinger @ Youtube

Watch Felix Baumgartner @ Youtube

Xbox 720 to get 3D projection technology?

3D projection, cool if it were ever to come true. (image source: Attack of the Fanboy)

According to Bill Hess at Attack of the Fanboy, in 2011, Microsoft patented  3D projection technology that is presumably to go with the new Kinect/Xbox720.  If it is anything like the patent image above – it will be awesome, but what are the chances this will really happen?

Read more @ Attack of the Fanboy

Zombie Bees: Welcome to the beeocolypse

The Australian is running a story about a fly in the US that lays eggs directly into the abdomen of a host bee that consequently grow into maggots within and proceed to eventually eat their way out, all while the host is alive.  During this horrifying process, bees wobble and stagger like zombies until they die, and hence the term.

Read more @ The Australian