The Return of Space: Star Citizen & X-Rebirth

I loved space-based games when I was a teenager.  Titles such as Wing Commander, Privateer and Tie Fighter dominated my down time and proved to be among the most enjoyable gaming moments of my life.  In recent years, the X-series space sim games , which captured the ‘Elite‘ gestalt, have been my only connection to that past, and in all honesty they’re pretty good.  More recent versions, such as X3 – Terran Conflict, have been beginning to hit a sweet spot between insane trading, owning and controlling spaceships and space factories of all sizes, and decent combat.

An in-game screenshot from X-Rebirth (image source: Egosoft)

Well, I’m happy to announce that the future is looking pretty rosy, and it’s all on PC.  The creators of the X-series, Deep Silver, will be releasing either late this year or next year X-Rebirth, which promises to turn space into a living environment, bringing science-fiction dreams that little bit closer to the PC. Following the release of X-Rebirth, is Star Citizen, an online/offline MMO in the vein of Wing Commander and Privateer that brings what I see as Battlestar Galactica in an alternate form to the people with graphics and ideas that promise to empty wallets in seconds.

An in-game screen shot from Star Citizen/Squadron 42 (image source: Youtube)

Space sims have had a bad name for a while now with mainstream developers continuing to steer clear of a genre that is beloved by so many, for reasons that are completely unknown to me.  So, it’s good to see smaller companies and startups trucking it up to fill the void and shame the big companies who have become lost in console 1st person and 3rd person shooters, unwilling to break out and take a risk.

Detail and flexibility are the new buzz word for space sims on PC.  We want to see and do everything, and developers are doing their best to deliver that.  Outer space is about to become a whole lot more exciting.

Checkout the links and videos below:

Read more about X-Rebirth @ Egosoft

Read more about Star Citizen @ Robert Space Industries

ANNOUNCEMENT: Meet your MaK(er)

I like the notion of creation games, but more often then not, I find myself snoring at what’s on offer.  I’ve never been interested in Minecraft, and I’ve goofed around in Portal 2’s Aperture Labs, but I’ve found them a little constraining in their creativity, and the experience of construction is done for the pleasure of others – the process itself is not really that fun.  What I’m looking for is something a little more fulfilling when I’m putting the hours in, ideally creativity that is rewarding as you play.

Meet MaK, An indie game in development by Crowe T. Robot.  It’s a spin on Minecraft and Portal 2’s Aperture Labs, seeking to use physics, creativity and world building in a completely cohesive and fresh fashion.  MaK is only in its infancy, but so far it looks pretty promising.  Checkout the video below.

The game also has a Steam Greenlight.

Instant funding for Eternity kickstarter project

The logo from Obsidian Entertainment’s Youtube video

Just under 3 weeks ago, Obsidian Entertainment inserted itself into the kickstarter market with a dream to make the best RPG computer game they could without the hassles of studio overlords to destroy their vision and distort their objectives.  As of writing this, Project Eternity has raised $2.26 million in funding.  With a basic pledge goal of $1.1 million, the project has been amazingly successful and as a result, Obsidian Entertainment has released (continually growing) stretch goals with 13 days still left on the board before funding kicks in.

So what is all the fuss about?  Ever heard of or played Planescape Torment or Fallout (the original and New Vegas) or Baldur’s Gate?  Well if you have, you probably don’t need a lecture from me, but if you haven’t, these are among the best RPG games for PC ever made.  This studio is synonymous with great character development, intricate and well thought out stories, as well as great gameplay mechanics.

So far, the money raised has come from over 51,000 backers.  This project is so popular, that there are already 18 backers committing between $3k and $10k towards the project (and getting rewards like assisting to design an enemy or tavern in the game).

With Project Eternity, Obsidian Entertainment promises to

“recapture the magic, imagination, depth, and nostalgia of classic RPG’s that we enjoyed making – and playing.”

“Project Eternity will take the central hero, memorable companions and the epic exploration of Baldur’s Gate, add in the fun, intense combat and dungeon diving of Icewind Dale, and tie it all together with the emotional writing and mature thematic exploration of Planescape: Torment.”

If you are interested, there’s still almost 2 weeks to go to choose a pledge package.

Read more @ Kickstarter

Watch Project Eternity video @ Youtube

ANNOUNCEMENT: Prison Architect

Ever wanted to design and run your own prison?  It seems like the natural thing to aspire to if you have a love of criminology and architecture.  But if you don’t want to spend 7 or 8 years of your life studying these things to have a crack at the big job, how about just playing Prison Architect?  This game is in alpha now and ready to take your money and give you perks, such as becoming a prisoner or warden.  Check the video below.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Vikings coming to ruin your day

Very beautiful vikings… (image source: Stoic Studios video screenshot via Youtube)

So, you like a bit of good old fashioned blood lust and snow do ya?  The Banner Saga may be the game for you then, if you like to use your brain, which usually vikings do not!  The banner Saga is being developed by Stoic, which is made up of three ex-Bioware staff who worked together on Star Wars: The Old Republic for fice years.

Nathan Grayson over at RPS has had some hands on time with The Banner Saga, and it sounds very promising if you like some depth.

Read about Nathan’s impressions @ RPS

Video @ Youtube

Computer Game AI: Can they act human?

Robots will own the future…

Yes they can apparently, according to Jeffrey Matlauf from Eurogamer.  A panel of judges were fooled by artifical intelligence programs created by scientists from Austin’s University of Texas and Romania when observing players in Unreal Tournament 2004.

The scientists took out top honours of the 2K Games Botprize, which fields human and AI players interacting.  Amazingly, the AI bots that won, were judged more human than the human players.  Read into that what you will.

Head over to Eurogamer to get all the details