Aircraft Carrier Command: China vs the US

Just as tensions in the Asiatic reach an uncomfortable high, China has launched its first aircraft carrier.

The BBC notes that the ship is a Ukraine dockyards derelict from the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union , formerly known as the Varyag.  It was purchased by Chinese interests with the intention of constructing a floating casino upon it.  At some point, somewhat unsurprisingly, it ended up in the hands of the Chinese Navy.  The ship is a behemoth at 300m long, making it marginally shorter than the US Nimitz class aircraft carriers.

Officially it’s to be used for ‘research and training missions’, and for the time being China has no choice as it has neither pilots or aircraft capable of carrier operations.  Nonetheless, it does add to China’s military prestige, and perhaps is an indicator of things to come (2 more aircraft carriers are in the works).

The new Ford class aircraft carriers for all intents and purposes look much like the current Nimitz class.  this is an image of the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) (image source: US Navy)

So as China is launching its first, non-operational aircraft carrier, the US Navy is watching with keen interest as the first of its three new Ford class aircraft carriers begins to take shape (due in another 3 years or so).  The US currently has around 11 Navy aircraft carriers in service, as well as 8 Wasp class amphibious assault ships used by the Marines.

Brent Rose at Gizmodo gives a rundown on the new Ford class ships, which includes:

3x the (nuclear) output compared to the old Nimitz class aircraft carriers, ready to host whatever advancements occur over the next 50 years (think rail cannons).

Enhanced automation, requiring less sailors to do the same work.

The replacement of steam-actuated catapults with electromagnetic sling-shots for increased reliability and less damage to aircraft airframes.

All optical fibre networking.

Read more @ BBC

Read more @ Gizmodo

Read more @ IGN