Skydiving from the edge of space

Back in the August of 1960, a 52 year old Colonel Joe Kittinger skydived from 31.3km above the Earth’s surface, free falling for some 4 and 1/2 minutes, a world record that still stands today.

Now 52 years later, a new challenger has finally arrived: Felix Baumgartner.  On the 8th of October, 2012, he intends to ride his helium filled Red Bull balloon up to the edge of space and jump from a height of 36.6km above New Mexico.  Felix warmed up with a practice jump of 29.6km earlier this year.  The footage from this should be utterly amazing in HD.

Joe Kittinger in 1960 (image source: Youtube)

Felix Baumgartner in 2012 (image source: Youtube)

Read more @ Redorbit  (A lot of stories)

Read more @ Cnet

Watch Joe Kittinger @ Youtube

Watch Felix Baumgartner @ Youtube